Kzoo on The Rocks

Descreverei minha vida, o meu dia-a-dia, os meus passeios, os meus amigos, sob minha distorcida ótica. I'll describe about my life, my day by day, my trips, my friends, under my distorted view.

terça-feira, janeiro 30, 2007

Novidades em Shanghai / Shanghai Good news

Visando a Expo World 2010 em Shanghai (lê-se Chan-Rai), o governo Chinês lançou uma campanha para melhorar a educação de seus 20 milhões de habitantes.
Entre as medidas adotadas, há o pedido aos habitantes da cidade que melhorem o seu Mandarim para poder receber melhor os visitantes Chineses.
Mas na semana passada, o governo anunciou que instalará 45 mil cuspideiras nos táxis, para acabar com o hábito dos motoristas de abaixar a janela e cuspir na rua.
Na foto, Da Zhong Taxi (

The Chinese Government has started a campaign to improve the education of Shanghai's 20 million of inhabitants, thinking to the Expo World 2010 that will be in the City. The Government has requested to the Shanghai Citizens to improve their Mandarim language to entertain better the Chinese tourists there.
And last week, the Government announced that they'll install 45 thousand of spit's recipients in the Shanghai's taxis, to stop the taxi drivers' local habit to lower the window and spit out!

On the picture, Da Zhong Taxi ( by Picasa

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terça-feira, janeiro 23, 2007

Tatsunari in Melbourne

Algumas pessoas tem a grata capacidade de provocar reações inesperadas em cenas do cotidiano.

Some person have the great capacity to provoke unexpected reations in routine scenes. Posted by Picasa

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segunda-feira, janeiro 22, 2007

Sábado foi festa do Agostinho! / Saturday was Agostinho's party!

Sábado passado foi o baile na casa do Agostinho.
A galera iluminada organiza as festinhas com direito a convite on line, cerveja Skol, salgadinhos e DJ. Claro que a Skol e os salgadinhos eram pra gente levar, mas tudo bem! Valeu a pena!!

Convidei o Chimbinha, Paraná, Malfeitor e Cassiano, mas essa galera de Itu não tá com nada...

Fica só a grande questão a ser respondida pelo nosso anfitrião:
-E aquele freezer lotado de cerveja? Sobrou alguma?

Last Saturday night was the Agostinho's house party.
The enlightened crowd organise the parties, with on-line invite, Skol beer, appetisers and canapés to snack and DJ. Of course that Skol, appetisers and canapés was taked by us, but no worries. It's been worth doing it!

I've invited Chimbinha, Paraná, Malfeitor and Cassiano, but this crowd of Itu city doesn't have nothing to do with it!

Here, there are only a big issue to be answered by our host:
"And what about that freezer full of cans of beers? Is it left over?"
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Tetomo Hatsutojo no Gyute

Confiram a performance dos Tetomo com a música japonesa Tokuten no Tema. Simplesmente demais!!
Have a check in the performance of Tetomo's with the Japanese song Tokuten no Tema. It's simply terrific!!!

Marcadores: , , , ,

sábado, janeiro 20, 2007

Manu Chao - Me Gustas Tu

Marcadores: , , , , ,

sexta-feira, janeiro 19, 2007

Me gustas tu

Eu me lembro quando Antonio Matos, meu amigo de Lima-Peru havia mostrado a Vaclav a música do Manu Chao, Me Gustas Tu, lá na APC em Sydney-Austrália!
E resolvi traduzí-lo pro sujeito!!
Vaclav, esta é especialmente pra Tu!!

I remember when Antonio Matos, my Peruvian friend has showed to Vaclav a Manu Chao's song, Me Gustas Tu (I Like You), in our school APC in Sydney, Australia.
And I decided to translate to him!!
Vaclav, this one is specially to Tu!!!

Me Gustas Tu
Manu Chao

¿Qué horas son mi corazón?
Te lo dije muy clarito
Doce de la noche en la Habana, Cuba
Once de la noche en San Salvador, El Salvador
Once de la noche en Managua, Nicaragua

Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tu.
Me gusta viajar, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la mañana, me gustas tu.
Me gusta el viento, me gustas tu.
Me gusta soñar, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la mar, me gustas tu.

Que voy a hacer, je ne sais pas.
Que voy a hacer, je ne sais plus.
Que voy a hacer, je suis perdu.
Que horas son, mi corazón.

Me gusta la moto, me gustas tu.
Me gusta correr, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la lluvia, me gustas tu.
Me gusta volver, me gustas tu.
Me gusta marijuana, me gustas tu.
Me gusta colombiana, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la montaña, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la noche, me gustas u.

Que voy a hacer, je ne sais pas.
Que voy a hacer, je ne sais plus.
Que voy a hacer, je suis perdu.
Que horas son, mi corazón.

Doce un minuto

Me gusta la cena, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la vecina, me gustas tu.
Me gusta su cocina, me gustas tu.
Un minuto
Me gusta camelar, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la guitarra, me gustas tu.
Me gusta el reggae, me gustas tu.

Que voy a hacer, je ne sais pas.
Que voy a hacer, je ne sais plus.
Que voy a hacer, je suis perdu.
Que horas son, mi corazón.

Me gusta la canela, me gustas tu.
Me gusta el fuego, me gustas tu.
Me gusta menear, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la Coruña, me gustas tu.
Me gusta Malasaña, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la castaña, me gustas tu.
Me gusta Guatemala, me gustas tu.

Que voy a hacer, je ne sais pas.
Que voy a hacer, je ne sais plus.
Que voy a hacer, je suis perdu.
Que horas son, mi corazón.

A la bin, a la ban a la bin bon ba
A la bin, a la ban a la bin bon ba
Obladi Obladá Obladidada
A la bin, a la ban a la bin bon ban

No todo lo que es oro brilla
Remedio chino es infalible

Free translation: Kzoo
What time is it, my darling?
I told you clearly
It’s midnight in Havana, Cuba
It’s 11pm in San Salvador, El Salvador
It’s 11pm in Managua, Nicaragua

I like airplanes, I like you
I like to travel, I like you
I like the morning, I like you
I like to dream, I like you
I like the sea, I like you

*What I’m going to do, I don’t know
What I’m going to do, I don’t know anymore
What I’m going to do, I’m lost
What time is it, my darling?

I like motorbike, I like you
I like to run, I like you
I like the rain, I like you
I like come back, I like you
I like marijuana, I like you
I like Colombian, I like you
I like mountains, I like you
I like the night, I like you

It’s 0:01am

I like to have a dinner, I like you
I like my neighbour, I like you
I like your kitchen, I like you
One minute
I like to walk, I like you
I like guitar, I like you
I like reggae, I like you


I like cinnamon, I like you
I like the fire, I like you
I like to wag, I like you
I like La Coruña, I like you
I like Malasaña, I like you
I like chestnut, I like you
I like Guatemala, I like you

* (3x)

A la bin, a la ban a la bin bon ba
A la bin, a la ban a la bin bon ba
Obladi Obladá Obladidada
A la bin, a la ban a la bin bon ban

Not all that glitters is gold
Chinese medicine is infallible

I've translate "mi corazón" as my darling. Literally this one means "my heart".

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quinta-feira, janeiro 18, 2007

My eternal flatmates

Não vejo meus ex-flatmates desde outubro passado, quando voltei pro Brasil.
Brevemente, eles estão voltando também. E na bagagem, boas experiências, novas habilidades e muita expectativa. Expectativa de novas oportunidades que poderão se abrir no Brasil!
E estarei esperando por vcs, Gustavo, Ico e Mau. Vamos beber muito aqui em Campinas!
E nós brindaremos à nossa amizade, com certeza!

I haven't seen my ex-flatmates since last October, when I went back to my hometown.
Soon, they'll gone been back to Brazil too! In their luggage, probably it'll have good experiences, new abilities and much expectation. Expectation of new opportunities that could open in their lives in Brazil!
At last, I'll waiting for you, Gus, Fred and Mau to drink bottles and bottles of beer together!! We'll drink to toast to our friendship!! Forever!
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Sometimes, I use to email to my foreign friends.
It's not too frequently but when some friend send me a email, I'm very happy!
Australia was an important part of my life and in Australia, my friends who I've made there was the most important part there!
As me, many friends have gone back to their own countries. But, you know, Internet is a really good tool to maintain our friendship.
One of my good friends there is Dawa, a pretty girl from South Korea. I don't know why, but she's different than other Korean people. At first, her accent wasn't typical Korean one, but much better! Her cultural knowledge too.
I've realised that Koreans like their own country too much and don't mind about non-Korean issues. It's nice to see, but at the other hand is not good to develop and to improve a new knowledge as English language in Australia. You know, a new language to learn means, not just a fluency to talk about but it means to have enough knowledge to talk about foreign culture.
I'd like so much to meet my friends for more times.
I hope it!
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quarta-feira, janeiro 10, 2007

Sinceramente... / Sincerely...

Fala a verdade, parece que a festa tava muito boa, no momento da foto!
Ao meu lado, Vaclav (lê-se Vádislav), da República Checa e Yayoi, do Japão!
Foto tirada em maio/06 pela Tomoko em algum ponto de Sydney.

Tell me the truth, the party could be good at the moment of this picture, couldn't??!!
Beside me, Vaclav from Czech Republic and Yayoi from Japan!

This pic was taked in may/06 by Tomoko in some place in Sydney. Posted by Picasa

terça-feira, janeiro 09, 2007


Perguntaram-me esta manhã como eu ia e respondi que tudo estava bem e que nada de difícil poderia acontecer.
E a resposta (bem inspirada!):
-Difícil é um jacaré cruzar as pernas!

Someone asked me this morning how was it going and I told him that everything was OK and nothing of difficulty could happen.
And the answer (too inspired!):
"Difficulty is a crocodile crossing its own legs!"
ps: actually, jacaré is cayman in English and it's smaller than crocodiles.
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segunda-feira, janeiro 08, 2007

Até q enfim o Sol!! / Finally, here comes the Sun!!

Estimados comparsas:
Até que enfim parou de chover!
Pra se ter idéia, aqui no estado de São Paulo choveu sem parar, todos os dias desde o dia 22 de dezembro até o último domingo, dia 07. Isso quer dizer exatos 16 dias de chuvas ininterruptas.
Estou até embolorando...

My dear mates:
Finally, it stoped to rain!
You know, here, in Sao Paulo State, it was rainning without stop every day from 22/dez until last Sunday, 07/jan. It means exactly 16 days of uninterrupted rains.
I had already some mould formed in my own skin!!!!

sexta-feira, janeiro 05, 2007

My 2006 Summarized Video Clip

Neste vídeo, eu procurei resumir como foi maravilhoso o meu ano de 2006.
E espero que 2007 seja um ano cheio de novos desafios. Pra mim e para meus amigos!
A letra da música pode ser acompanhada no artigo anterior. O Girassol, do Ira!
ps: não consegui colocar todos os meus amigos, me desculpe...

In this video clip, I've tried to summarize how wonderfull was my year of 2006.
And I hope that 2007 be a year full of new challenges. For me and for my friends!
The lyrics of the music can be followed in the last article. It's a Brazilian band named Ira! ( and the music is "O Girassol", The Sunflower in Portuguese.
ps: I couldn't put the pic of my every friends, so sorry...

O Girassol / The Sunflower

música/song: O Girassol/The Sunflower
banda/band: Ira!
composição/composition: Edgard Scandurra
tradução livre/free translation: Kzoo on the Rocks

Eu tento me erguer às próprias custas
I try to raise me with my own effort

E caio sempre nos seus braços
And I fall ever into your arms

Um pobre diabo é o que sou
A poor devil is who I am

Um girassol sem sol
A sunflower without sun

Um navio sem direção
A ship without direction

Apenas a lembrança do seu sermão
It’s just the souvenir of your sermon

Você é meu sol, um metro e sessenta e cinco de sol
You are my sun, you are my one metre and sixty five centimetre of sun

E quase o ano inteiro os dias foram noites
And almost all year the days were nights

Noites para mim
Nights to me

Meu sorriso se foi
My smile has gone out

Minha canção também
My song too

E eu jurei por Deus não morrer por amor
And I swore by God not to die for love

E continuar a viver
And continuing to live

Como eu sou um girassol, você é meu sol
As I am a sunflower, you are my sun

Eu tento me erguer às próprias custas
I try to raise me with my own effort

E caio sempre nos seus braços
And I fall ever into your arms

Um pobre diabo é o que sou
A poor devil is who I am

Um girassol sem sol
A sunflower without sun

Um navio sem direção
A ship without direction

Apenas a lembrança do seu sermão
It’s just the souvenir of your sermon

Morro de amor e vivo por aí
I die for love and I live around

Nenhum santo tem pena de mim
No saint is sorry for me

Sou agora um frágil cristal
I am a fragile crystal from now on

Um pobre diabo que não sabe esquecer
I am a poor devil who don’t know forgetting

Que não sabe esquecer
Who don’t know forgeting

Como eu sou um girassol, você é meu sol
As I am a sunflower, you are my sun Posted by Picasa