Kzoo on The Rocks

Descreverei minha vida, o meu dia-a-dia, os meus passeios, os meus amigos, sob minha distorcida ótica. I'll describe about my life, my day by day, my trips, my friends, under my distorted view.

quarta-feira, maio 13, 2009

Uma questão de foco/ A question of focus

Certa vez, um colega de trabalho, extremamente dedicado e competente, me disse q apreciava o meu estilo de trabalho. Nem é preciso falar q fiquei bastante contente com o comentário.

E me disse também q gostava de se manter informado sobre tudo, q gostava de ler muito e sobre vários assuntos.

Foi aí q lhe perguntei o q costumava ler.

Livros de Administração de Produção, livros de Auto-Ajuda, Lean, Six-Sigma, Teoria das Restrições e tudo o q pode envolver o universo corporativo q invade o nosso dia-a-dia. Enfim uma chatice!

Ele rebateu a pergunta pra mim. Respondi q gosto muito de ler. Que curtia livros de piadas, guias de turismo, Gabriel Garcia Marques, revistas de automóveis, agropecuária, entre tantas coisas q nos cercam.

Pela expressão dele, percebi q não se conformou com minha resposta. "Como assim, Kazuo? Vc deve ser um cara focado nos seus objetivos!"

Foi aí q percebi a diferença de tamanho do meu universo em relação ao dele. Sou focado sim em meus objetivos. É q eles são apenas um pouco mais amplos.

Viva a vida, ajude seu próximo e tenha bom caráter. Penso assim. E faça tudo isso com muita alegria.

One day, my colleague told me he's liked how I work, my work style. It isn't necessary to mention that this comment was so pleasant to me.

He told me too, that he like to keep abreast of the news, to read a lot and about a lot of subjects.

It was in this point I've asked him what he use to read. Production administration books, Self-help books, Lean Manufacturing, Six-Sigma, Theory of Constraints and everything that can involve the corporative universe that overwhelm our day-by-day. So, boredom!

He comes the same question back to me. I've answered I like so much of reading. I enjoy jokes books, tourism guide books, Gabriel García Marques, automotive magazines, among so many things we have.

By his face expression, I've realised he couldn't agree with my words. 'How do you mean, Kazuo? You must be focused in your goals!'

There was this point I've realised the difference between my universe size and his one. I'm really focused in my goals, of course. It's just coz my goals are a little bit more broad.

Live the life, help your neighbour, and have a good moral fibre. I think in this way. And do everything contentment.

segunda-feira, maio 11, 2009

Algotithm March!

Algorithm March is a clip of Pitagora Suicchi team - NHK Japan!

Algorithm March (Arugorizumu Koushin, アルゴリズム こうしん) lyrics

Take one step forward and reach forward
Ippo susande maenarae

Take one step forward and you're a better person
Ippo susande eraihito

Turn around and bow to the person
Hikkurikaete pekorinko

Walk sideways and look around
Yoko ni aruite kyorokyoro

Wait a little here and do a wide swim
Chotto kokorade hiraoyogi

Kneel for a bit and pick up a chestnut
Chotto shangande kurihiroi

We'll put air in it "woosh woosh"
Kuuki iremasu shuu shuu

The air is inside "pyuu pyuu"
Kuuki ga haitte pyuu pyuu

quarta-feira, maio 06, 2009

Trilhando a vida! Subindo a Pedra Grande! Trailing the life! Climbing the Pedra Grande mountain!

Destemidos companheiros encaram uma das trilhas que levam ao topo da Pedra Grande, em Atibaia-SP.
Fearless companions climb up one of the trails to the top of the Pedra Grande mountain to have a bird's eye view of Atibaia city and its outskirts. Atibaia city is on the south-eastern edge of Brazil, in Sao Paulo State.

Good People
Jack Johnson

You win it's your show now
So what's it gonna to be?
cause people will tune in
How many train wrecks do we need to see?
Before we lose touch Â...
And we thought this was low
Well it's bad, getting worse Â….

Where'd all the good people gone?
I've been changing channels i don't see them on the tv shows
Where'd all the good people gone?
We've got heaps and heaps of what we saw

They got this and that with a rattle attack
Testing, one, two, man what you gonna do
Bad news misused, got too much to lose
Give me some truth now, who's side are we on?
Whatever you say
Turn on the boob tube, I'm in the mood to obey
So lead me astray
And by the way now…

Where'd all the good people gone?
I've been changing channels I don't see them on the tv shows
Where'd all the good people gone?
We've got heaps and heaps of what we saw

Sitting around feeling far away
So far away but I can feel the debris, can you feel it?
You interrupt me from a friendly conversation
To tell me how great this all going to be
You might notice some hesitation
Because its important to you, it's not important to me
But way down by the edge of your reason
It's beginning to show and all I really wanna know is…

Where'd all the good people gone?
I've been changing channels i don't see them on the tv shows
Where'd all the good people gone?
We got heaps and heaps of what we saw

They got this and that with a rattle attack
Testing one, two man what you gonna do
Bad news misused give me some truth
You got too much to lose
Whose side are we on today, anyway
Okay, whatever you say
Wrong and resolute but in the mood to obey
Station to station desensitizing the nation
Going, going, gone