Everytime, time is a problem to me!
The last months of 2008 were so different to me. I was looking for a job (some Aussie friends of me can remember about it there!) and I finally found a good one!
Since november, I work in an American company named Flextronics. It's too busy there but I'm feeling well!
It's so many opportunities of development of my knowledge there. I'm really using my brain to improve the process and you know, it's so good to feeling useful.
I'm learning Lean Manufacturing principles and I've been using these ones in our line productions. It's the best way to learn: Learning and exercising together!
However, I don't have much time to write good comments! I'll manage to do it, ok!
(on the pic: It was 02/Jan and I was going to the beaches - Sea Mountains in Sao Paulo State, Brazil)