Pérolas do Orkut / Orkut's Pearls of Advice

A maioria dos internautas brasileiros conhece e faz uso do Orkut. A maioria absoluta o utiliza como simples entretenimento, mas muitos o utilizam como ferramenta de divulgação de idéias e para consulta, como ferramenta pra tirar dúvidas.
Nem irei comentar as imagens anexas. Por favor, consultem-nas e tirem suas próprias conclusões.
E viva a Internet!!!

Well, at the present moment, Brazil's witnessed Internet growth. It's really good to improve the people general knowledge, to have access to fast information.
However, we can see a lot of curious examples there!
Orkut web site have a lot of communities that you can join. And some communities are specifically to change tips and information about a determinate subject.
These pictures are copies of Orkut pages with some stupid questions. Of course I know that a question of time to learn every basic thing, but you know, it's really funny!

On the 2nd one, the guy was asking which web site he could download a DVD drive. Could you imagine the reation of the other people for this kind of question?
One of the answers for this interesting question was that he must download a 80GB Hard Drive before it.
On the last one, the innocent guy was asking almost the same on the 2nd pic. He would like to know which web site he could download a Pentium 4 to improve his pc. Someone answered him if was he sure about the question and he reinforced his necessity!
Yeah, long life the Internet!!!!!

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