Kzoo on The Rocks

Descreverei minha vida, o meu dia-a-dia, os meus passeios, os meus amigos, sob minha distorcida ótica. I'll describe about my life, my day by day, my trips, my friends, under my distorted view.

terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2008

Achei o grito de guerra dos Australianos!!

Durante a minha estada na Austrália, tivemos a Copa do Mundo de Futebol, na Alemanha, em 2006.
Apesar de não ser um time forte, tampouco de tradição na arte do futebol, a seleção da Austrália arrasou por ter uma torcida apaixonada.
Não somente por ter vibração durante os jogos, que os brasileiros também tem e de sobra! Mas principalmente quando voltaram derrotados à terra natal. Foram recebidos como heróis por representar com tanta vontade o país.
Os comerciais engrandeciam os feitos, agradecia a equipe pela garra e deixava o recado que 2010 está por vir. Sinceramente fiquei orgulhoso da seleção australiana pelos gestos de incentivo e envergonhado do povo brasileiro que não sabe fazer isso. Fica o recado e o puxão de orelha aos brasileiros que só sabem exigir resultados de nossa seleção e não aceitar quaisquer tropeços.
A seleção australiana de futebol eram conhecidos como "Socceroos", um mix de canguru (Kangaroo) com futebol (soccer) e o grito de guerra era "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi Oi!"

When I was living in Australia, we have had the 2006 German World Cup of Soccer.
Apart from the Australian team, nicknamed as Socceroos, is not yet a good soccer team and has no tradition in this area, I congratulate Australia for the great supporters that it has!
Brazilian supporters are as good as Aussie ones to support their team during the game. About it, everyone knows! However, the great difference was when the respectively loser teams went back to their own countries. The Socceroos was really well received in their own country, as heroes for represent Australia so heartily.
The telly ads show their acts during the World Cup, elevating the Socceroos and remembering to everyone that 2010 will be came. Sincerely, I got pleasure for the Socceroos for this nice reaction and at the same time, I was embarrassed for the Brazilian people reaction. Brazilian people don’t accept the simple fact to lose a soccer game as hard as it could be. Brazilian team was badly received as losers, just it. Brazilians don’t know how to elevate their own teams whatever the team situation.
How we can educate the young generations using these kinds of bad examples? People don’t have the right to mistake, is it?
I posted here my protest message about it to the Brazilians that just know how to demand that Brazilian team wins every time without another results.