Fui a um Museu Indígena! / I've visited an Indigenous Museum

Como eu poderia explicar para alguém de fora do país, que eu nunca havia visitado um museu indígena, sendo o Brasil um país jovem, habitado inicialmente por índios e que boa parte de nossa herança lingüística e gastronômica provém deles.

Apesar de pequeno, o museu retrata os hábitos indígenas da época de uma forma bem esclarecedora. A entrada custa R$1,00 e eu recomendo. O museu fica próximo às balsas para Guarujá.

How I could explain to someone from outside Brazil that I’ve never visited an indigenous museum in Brazil, due the country is a young one and because Brazil was originally habited by indigenous, apart from that our linguistic and gastronomic heritage is typical from the indigenous people.
Well, last 2nd, Jan, I took opportunity visiting the Sao Joao Fortress Museum, in Bertioga city, on the Sao Paulo State coast. It is a construction built in 1532 and is the most preserved fortress in Brazil.
In despite of it’s so small, the museum shows the indigenous behaviour of this time in a really clear way. The ticket costs R$1,00 (US$0.60) and I recommend it. The museum is located close to the ferries to Guarujá city.
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