Some considerations about Mogi das Cruzes city
Last 1st Jan, I went to Mogi das Cruzes city with my little Tomi to visit her family in Mogi das Cruzes city.
Long time ago, I have visited this town just once but I don't remember anything about the city.
And I have discovered some interesting things about Mogi:
- It's really true the presence of a lot of Japanese people living there.
- The coast is really close. It's just 40Km!
- Mogi das Cruzes is not as small as I was imagining.
- This city has buildings!!
- This city has shopping centre!!
It is the preliminary considerations about the city. It cannot be true due to my visit was not exatly in a urbanized suburb.
Unfortunately, I didn't meet any friend of me in the Mogi Shopping Centre to talk about this important considerations.
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