Meu carro está cheirando morango!! / My car is strawberry-smelling now!!
Eu estava voltando de Atibaia pra Campinas esta madrugada pela via D.Pedro próximo a Itatiba quando vi muitas luzes da polícia à frente. Diminui a velocidade e percebi se tratar de um acidente. Um caminhão tombou e parte da carga havia caído na estrada. Eram morangos!
Passei sobre um autêntico tapete vermelho de morangos esmagados e agora meu carro está com perfume do lado de fora!!!

I was going back from Atibaia to Campinas this night by D.Pedro route, close to Itatiba city, when I saw a lot of police lights in front of me. I reduced the speed and I realised that it was a car accident there.
A truck has tumbled and part of its load has fallen down on the road. And it was strawberries!
I passed over an authentic red carpet made by smashed strawberries and now, my car is perfumed outside!!
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