Agente 86 / Get Smart

Interpretado por Don Adams, o Agente 86 (Maxwell Smart) era uma paródia das aventuras de James Bond, sempre abordando espionagem e Guerra Fria. Foi ao ar no Brasil nos anos 70.
Conversando com amigos, ouvi de muitos que nunca haviam ouvido falar na série.
E aí eu me pergunto:
-Será que estou ficando velho??
Quem quiser saber mais, consulte o Wikipédia clicando aqui.

It was played by Don Adams, as Maxwell Smart, also known as Agent 86.
Get Smart was a James Bond movies' parody, talking about spying and Cold War. It was on the air in Brazil during the 70's
I was talking about to my friends and some of them told me that has never watched it.
So, I ask to myself:
-Am I ageing?
If someone would like to know more, have a look at Wikipedia, just clicking here!
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