Suvarnabhumi International Airport / ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ

Voltando de Osaka-Japão, desembarquei no aeroporto antigo. Era o último dia de trabalho dele. Engraçado falar que, apesar deste já ser muito grande, estavam inaugurando outro maior ainda, na qual pude embarcar de volta à Sydney.

Me lembro que escrevi no Blog o meu desespero quando estava indo para o Japão e no aeroporto antigo me mandaram pra plataforma errada. Um desepero só, em função da grandiosidade do aeroporto e pelo fato da plataforma correta ficar apenas do outro lado do mesmo. Fora que já estava atrasado para o embarque.

E posso falar que fui um dos primeiros usuários deste!!

When I was going back from Osaka-Japan, I've landed in the oldest Bangkok Airport. It was the last work day of this airport. It was really funny for me because this airport has already been big and Thai Government was opening a bigger one, where I could board to go back to Sydney.
Thanks to strategic position on Southeast of Asia, Bangkok is one of the most air trafic busy point in the world.
I remember when I've writed here about the terrible situation in the oldest airport when I was coming to Japan and someone give me the wrong information. Could you imagine how I was felling when I realise that the correct gate was at the other side of the airport? Beside it, I have already been late to fly to Japan.
Suvarnabhumi Airport can be 5 times bigger than the oldest one! However it's much better, because it's organised, fast and modern than the oldest airport.
And I can tell that I'm one of the people who have helped to open this new one!!

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