Kzoo on The Rocks

Descreverei minha vida, o meu dia-a-dia, os meus passeios, os meus amigos, sob minha distorcida ótica. I'll describe about my life, my day by day, my trips, my friends, under my distorted view.

quarta-feira, julho 11, 2007

Novos conteúdos no site do IBGE/ New contents on IBGE web site

O IBGE pôs no ar na semana passada o site Países :
O site contém um planisfério clicável com dados históricos e estatísticos sobre 192 países.
O mapa permite zoom e seleçăo de um país para examinar, em detalhes, suas informaçőes.

IBGE, the Brazilian Governmental Institute of Geography and Statistics, has placed the new contents in its web site:
The web site contains a clicked plan map of the planet, with historical and statistical data about 192 countries.
The map can be zoomed in and you can select a country to examine in detail, its informations (only in Portuguese).
Thanks to Jussara for the tip.