Fogão novo / New stove
Sabadão, eu, Hiro e minha mãe arregaçamos as mangas e começamos a instalar o novo fogão. Retiramos o fogão antigo (e põe antigo nisso!) e limpamos tudo. Troquei a mangueira e válvula reguladora de pressão, refiz a instalação elétrica e testamos tudo.
Ficou tudo muito bonito. Só que gastamos muito tempo e acabamos tendo que comprar um marmitex, pois não havia mais tempo pra cozinhar!
I bought a new stove (a Bosch, of course!) to my mother this week and it was delivered last Thursday.
Saturday, me, Hiro and my Mother start to install the new stove.
We removed the old one (really old!!) and we cleaned everything. I've change the gas hose and the adjustable pressure valve, I've redone the electrical instalation and I've checked everything.
Everything was too beauty. However, we lost too much time to do then, so we have bought a take away food, coz we cannot have more time to cook anything!
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