Kzoo on The Rocks

Descreverei minha vida, o meu dia-a-dia, os meus passeios, os meus amigos, sob minha distorcida ótica. I'll describe about my life, my day by day, my trips, my friends, under my distorted view.

domingo, junho 24, 2007

Yakisoba in Brazilian festivals

This weekend I went to Atibaia city to a June Festival with Tomi.
This is a tradicional festival in Brazil and it has a Portuguese-French influence. It is a religious festival with French influence dances. A lot of people here believes that this festival is typical Brazilian. Here, it has a countryside aspects.

Everytime, I talk about a lot of influences that Brazilian culture has and how mixed is our general culture.

Despite these definitions, the June Festival in Atibaia has had Yakisoba and Tempura, Japanese foods too!!

pic by Clube Atibaiense de Fotografia (

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