Eclipse Total da Lua / Total Lunar Eclipse

Eu acompanhei da estrada, quando estava indo à Atibaia, pra casa da Tomi.
Ao longo da Via D.Pedro, pude acompanhar a evolução do eclipse.
Começou umas 19:00h e a lua ficou na penumbra às 20:00h, ficando assim até umas 21:00h.
O tempo aqui no estado de São Paulo ajudou bastante!
Aliás, exceto no Sul do Brasil, no Rio Grande do Sul, tivemos bom tempo em todo o Brasil.
Foi muito bonito!
Saturday, we had Total Lunar Eclipse. It was the 2007's first one.
I've had a look by the road, while I was going to Atibaia city, to Tomi's house.
During my travel by the D.Pedro road, I could follow the eclipse's evolution.
It started around 7pm and the Moon entered in the Earth's shadow at 8pm, being in this situation until around 9pm.
The weather here in Sao Paulo State has helped too much!
By the way, except South of Brazil, in Rio Grande do Sul State, we have had good weather in other Brazilian States.
It was too beaultiful!!
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