E vc acha que eu não quebrei a cara aqui?? And do you believe that I didn’t go wrong here??

Sei que não é uma opinião corrente, pois muitos tem receio de comida "diferente".
Filho mais velho de uma família tradicional japonesa, sofri muito com a rígida educação do meu pai. E alimentação estava inclusa nisso! Tinha de comer de tudo!!
E como meu pai tinha que administrar a família com os poucos recursos que dispunha, valorizava ao máximo o que tínhamos.
E que saber? Sou eternamente grato ao meu pai por isso. Me preparou para ser um cidadão do mundo! E muito bem!!
Numa das visitas que fiz com Apinan, pouco antes paramos num restaurante pra comer algo.
Achei que uma porção de Dry Thai Noodle (macarrão) foi pouco pra mim!
E falei pro Apinan que queria experimentar algo diferente de noodle.

Estava muito bom!!! E o que tinha??
Bom, além do que já havia escrito, tinha sangue de porco em pedaços e água-viva!!!
O sangue de porco tem uma aparência horrível, mas o sabor é bom. Nada a ver com o choriço do Brasil, que é extremamente gorduroso, este era bem leve.
E a água-viva?? Quem um dia iria imaginar que se poderia comer água-viva? Apinan me explica que todas as variedades de água-viva são venenosas, mas não são todas que são comestíveis. Portanto não vão se aventurar por aí!
E pra quem achou que o Kazuo era imbatível, se enganou!!
Tinha passado sozinho no Sian Paragon para comer "algo legal". Como não estava afim de me aventurar tanto, resolvi comer algo "mais convencional" e pedi sukiyaki, um prato japonês.

Estimados comparsas, o prato era pimenta pura e o pior era que não tinha comprado nenhuma bebida. E se saísse daquela mesa, não conseguiria outra, pois estava lotada o Food Court!
Resultado, comi o que pude. Consegui comer um pouco mais da metade do prato. Chegou um momento em que não sentia mais nada!!! Como estava apimentada!!
Foi aí que percebi que muitos pratos de outros países recebem a denominação "Thai Style" pra justificar o acréscimo de açúcar e pimenta.
Principalmente pimenta!!
And do you believe that I didn’t go wrong here??
Every time, I’ve talked to my friends that, when we come to another place, half part of our tourism is gastronomy.
However, I know that is not opinion of everyone, because a lot of people have afraid of “different” food, that is not their habit.
I’m the oldest son of a traditional Japanese family in Brazil, so I suffered too enough with the rigid education that my father give me. And my diet was included in it. I had to eat every food I had in my home.
My father had to take after my family with less money that had earned, so he appreciated everything we had as much as he could.
And would you know? I’m eternity thank to my father for it. He prepared me to be a world citizen! And very well!!
In one of my visits in Bangkok with Apinan, a little bit before this, we’ve stoped in a restaurant to snack something.
I think that one bowl of dry Thai noodle was less enough to me. And I solicited to Apinan that I’d like to try something different than noodle.
And came one bowl with a lot of Chinese greens, pieces of octopus, tofu and something that I couldn’t recognize.
And It was very good! But what had there??
Well, it had pieces of pig blood and jelly fish!!
The pieces of pig blood look like horrible but the taste is good. In Brazil we have something like this, the “chouriço” but his taste is different. Chouriço is really fatter than it.
And what about jelly fish? Who in Brazil someday could imagine that it’s possible to eat jelly fish? Apinan explain me that every species of jelly fish are poisonous and just some species are edible. So, don’t try if you can’t recognize which one is good!!!
And for someone that have believed that Kazuo couldn’t go wrong in this trip, sorry, you made a mistake!!
I’ve come alone to Sian Paragon Shopping Centre to eat something “cool”. But I wouldn’t like to try different food and I’ve decided to eat food that I really know and I’ve ordered a sukiyaki, a Japanese dish.
I was finding strange that the food came a little bit red but I couldn’t believe that was chilli.
My great friends, the dish was just chilli, really really hot and the worst was that I haven’t bought any drink. And if I go out of that table, I couldn’t another one, because the food court was crowded!!
For this reason, I ate what was possible. I ate a little bit more than the half of the dish. When I was trying to eat it, I couldn’t taste anymore. How hot was this food!!!
After this terrible situation I’ve realized that a lot of dishes from other countries are named “with Thai style” just to excuse us to add sugar and chilli.
Especially chilli!!
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