Kzoo on The Rocks

Descreverei minha vida, o meu dia-a-dia, os meus passeios, os meus amigos, sob minha distorcida ótica. I'll describe about my life, my day by day, my trips, my friends, under my distorted view.

quarta-feira, outubro 24, 2007

Preparei um Yakisoba em Ubatuba! I've prepared an Yakisoba in Ubatuba city!

Ubatuba é sempre uma boa pedida quando se fala em praia.
Infelizmente, eu dificilmente tenho oportunidade de ir pra lá.

Desta vez, o comparsa Massao me sugeriu ir ao Velas Chalés, na praia de Maranduba. E foi uma ótima sugestão, pois além de bom, era bonito e barato!! Esses são os 3 B's que mais gosto!

E mais, preparei um Yakisoba pra mim e pra Tomi ao meu estilo!
Ficou muito bom. Usei brócolis, cenoura, pimentão, cebola e muito camarão!
Só faltou o oyster sauce, que aprendi a usar com os chineses do Haymarket Chinese Restaurant (Sussex St, Haymarket, Sydney).

Ubatuba city is every time a good tip when we talk about good beaches.
Unfortunately, I hardly take an opportunity to come there.

However, in this time, my mate Massao has sugested me to go to an accomodation named Velas Chalés , in Maranduba Beach. And it was a great tip of him, coz besides it was good, it was beauty and cheap! And I really like them!

And more, I've prepared a my own stile japanese-made dish Yakisoba to myself and to Tomi. And it was so good. I've used green pepper. broccoli, carrots, onions and too much schrimp!
However, it has just been absent chinese oyster sauce, that I've learned using it with my chinese ex-colleagues from Haymarket Chinese Restaurant (Sussex St, Haymarket, Sydney, Australia).

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